Saturday, April 17, 2010


So I was just looking at my posts and realized that there aren't any pictures of our little Kate! Sorry Kate!!!
Kate has got to be the easiest baby in the world!! She is so quick to smile and laugh and so laid back. She has learned to crawl so I am in the process of re baby-proofing the house. She is also having tons of fun experimenting new foods. Tonight she ate black beans and grilled tilapia with mango. She loved it!!

Here Mary is teaching Kate how to smile and say cheese for the camera.

I think Kate is a natural :0
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1 comment:

  1. What a doll! I can't stand it!!! I am too far away!
    I am happy she eats so well and that her mother knows how to feed her such heathy things! She is going to be a very smart and healthy little girl.
